Friday, May 30, 2014

Reading to myself

I know not from whence it came;
it did not arrive from a soft caressing voice, but it did come. 

I was there with Dick. I was there with Jane. Oh how I loved to see Spot run. Soon my reading skills developed to liking Ham, with Green Eggs. 

In a backyard I flew into Space with Three Boys in a homemade rocket ship; both George and I were Curious at what great adventures were possible with a library card.

Outside unsupervised on those warm summer nights the eyes of my ten year old self looked up at the stars and wondered what adventures were possible out there. Four years later I was looking at points of light through my first refractor telescope.  My library card soon discovered the entire shelf of the 520 section of the Dewey Decimal System in Junior High.

What did it matter if it was ‘above my head’… I was reading! 

High School introduced me to creative writing, but alas, going to 10 different schools in 12 years, it is sentence structure that is my bane. Then came the Haflings, Nazgul, and the One Ring: I was hooked!

College led me to a Bachelor of Science in English, oh yes, the infamous Liberal Arts degree 30 years ago.

Since I was first able to get a library card, I have always had one. 

I have always enjoyed reading to myself

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